Registration will be available in the Fall of 2024.
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The Big Give Agreement

Church Agreement

  • 1. Host your Big Give event on the first Saturday of June each year

    In order for your church/ministry to partner with The Big Give and be listed on our website you must host your Big Give event on the first Saturday of June. This joint initiative creates awareness and engagement on a national scale. It also generates a sense of real community between all our partnering churches.

  • 2. All goods and services are FREE

    The Big Give’s mission is to share the unconditional love of God through radical generosity with no strings attached and asking nothing in return (no donations, sign-up sheets, promotions etc.) While your church is likely involved with many great causes, we ask that you keep the integrity and purity of The Big Give in tact. This means no fundraising, ministry/charitable organization promotion, human resource recruitment or sale of any items.

  • 3. Pure Motives

    The Big Give’s purpose is to draw our guests attention to God’s love for them. Our events are not environments for preaching, teaching or judging. If our guests have faith questions we encourage our volunteers to respond based on biblical principles and only obtain contact information if offered by the guest. We also encourage our participating churches to have a designated prayer area and tables offering free Bibles. Our Big Give events are first and foremost environments for showing God’s love through practical and tangible acts of kindness and generosity.

  • 4. You take the proper legal precautions

    Your partnership with The Big Give means that any indemnification that your insurance company may require will be your responsibility. The Big Give, Love Ottawa, One Way Ministries or any third parties mentioned on The Big Give website are not liable for any damages including but not limited to accidental, consequential damages or personal injury resulting from any activities associated with The Big Give.

  • 5. Everyone’s privacy and dignity is respected

    While we encourage you to take pictures and video of your Big Give event, we ask that you obtain permission of anyone appearing in media you plan to use in a public or social media forum.

  • 6. Registration Fee

    As with any ministry, The Big Give cannot exist without some funding. Registration is our only method of being able to pay for our expenses which include communication updates to the website, event banners, promo videos, resource updates, French translation, travel and promotional material. We also pay a small administration fee to One Way Ministries who host our registration site, make website improvements and provide human resources to handle important communication with our church partners. In addition, a small number of churches cannot afford the registration fee so we try to facilitate their partnership. Simply stated – without your registration fee The Big Give would not exist.