Registration will be available in the Fall of 2024.
Registration will be available in the Fall of 2024.
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Help change your community with a day of extravagant giving

Your church and your neighbours need you. Help change your community with a free gift. Register your church for The Big Give.

A free bicycle repair shop at a Big Give event.
Free popcorn at Big GIve event.
Free blood pressure check at a Big Give event.
Free clothing at a Big Give event.

Big Give Resources

Logo files, flyers, PowerPoint slides, promotional videos, prayer letters… download all the resources you need to run a successful Big Give event at your church.


There are regional events leading up to The Big Give on the first Saturday of June. Find prayer meetings, organizing events and other important dates in your region here.

  • To register an event in your community, please email

    Ottawa, Ottawa Valley