Registration will be available in the Fall of 2024.
Registration will be available in the Fall of 2024.
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Woodvale Pentecostal Church

Ottawa, ON | 2020

It was such a lovely day!
We were very excited to prepare and deliver some things: cookies, tarts, Tim Hortons coffee and breakfast sandwiches and we also included a few Scripture tracts.

It was such a lovely day!
We were very excited to prepare and deliver some things: cookies, tarts, Tim Hortons coffee and breakfast sandwiches and we also included a few Scripture tracts.
The first place we only saw two men pick up the box look around and wave and say thank you!
Next we went to Shepherds of good hope.
As soon we got out of the car with the box a man (they call him the sergeant) took the box, another man took the coffee all excited.
Within seconds we were surrounded by happy people all saying thank you, this is wonderful. God bless you.
We asked if we could take a photo and they were so happy and posed and insisted we be in it too.
It was humbling to see such gratefulness over such a small thing!
What a powerful experience that would never have occurred except for the Big Give!
We were so touched to be part of it all!

Ready to register?

Join us on the first Saturday of June and see what happens in your town.