Registration will be available in the Fall of 2024.
Registration will be available in the Fall of 2024.
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River Stone Christian Fellowship


Today’s event was another rousing success. The weather was beautiful. Lots of warmth and bright sunny skies.

Today’s event was another rousing success. The weather was beautiful. Lots of warmth and bright sunny skies. Although our numbers were down this year (we blame COVID-19) we were able to serve 175 ice cream cones and dishes. Many asked what was the catch or why? We were able to explain that this was just to bless this wonderful community of ours.
Our partners, Sarah (from the Flavour Container), and James and Tara (from the Gallery) all helped to make this day a resounding success. We are all looking forward to doing this again next year.

Here are some pics from the day!

Ready to register?

Join us on the first Saturday of June and see what happens in your town.