Cobden, ON
Cobden, ON | 2019
In the small town of Cobden, ON, population 1000, The Big Give attracted 1500 people who came to the arena where 5 churches host their event together.
In the small town of Cobden, ON, population 1000, The Big Give attracted 1500 people who came to the arena where 5 churches host their event together. The highlights were being able to help some military families find things they needed for their homes and the Prom Dress Exchange. Out of 80 prom dresses that were donated, only 4 were leftover. The great thing was that 5 of those dresses were picked up to be taken to young girls in Cuba…without The Big Give, they would not have this opportunity!
Ready to register?
Join us on the first Saturday of June and see what happens in your town.